Your Perfect Escape Awaits

Immerse yourself in a serene haven where luxury meets comfort. Indulge in premium amenities, unwind at your own pace with late checkouts, and create unforgettable memories. Your dream staycation starts here.

Balcony with
Mount Arayat View
Simple Room Design
Wave Pool with
White Sand



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Our Staycation Suite

Interior Styling

Entryway view

Interior Styling

Exit view

Staycation Essentials

Stay-at-home kit

Staycation Essentials

Double-sized bed

Staycation Essentials


Staycation Essentials

Leisure kit

Staycation Essentials


Staycation Essentials

2-player mode games

Staycation Essentials


Interior Styling


Staycation Essentials


Staycation Essentials


Interior Styling

Bathing area and cubicle

Interior Styling


Our Location

MJ Staycation

Azure North Pampanga Philippines

Escape to comfort at MJ Staycation, located in Azure North, Pampanga. Just off the San Fernando exits of NLEX and minutes from SM City Pampanga and Robinsons Starmills, enjoy easy access to shopping and dining. With Clark International Airport nearby and the Skyway extension connecting you to the Metro, your perfect getaway is hassle-free. Relax and experience the best of Pampanga at MJ Staycation.



Azure North Pampanga Philippines

Why book with us?

Enjoy a relaxing and stress-free experience with our Staycation. Whether you're here for a quick getaway or a homestay, we ensure your stay is comfortable, peaceful, and exactly what you need.

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